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Leaving The Baggage Behind

Well, Hi there!
Guess it was about time to write something about myself again. Since the last blog, I have just been caught up with life so much that I have only created a long list of unfinished blogs. So, I have decided to write a recap of the whole year in this one.
(Yes, that sounds like a good excuse for your laziness, keep it up Ayushi!)

Anyway, *sighs* what a rollercoaster of a year it has been. I started off as someone who was just hoping for the year to be good. But now that I am standing on the very edge of 2022, I think the year was more than good. After 2019, I think this is the best year I've had so far. And most importantly, this year, I had been in a better place physically as well as mentally (I think). 

So, welcome to another rant blog where I go off about how my year has been. And sorry for such lame subheadings; I couldn't think of anything, lol. Oh, and fair warning, it's a long rant :)

Bad Start But Good In The Middle

So starting off, when another lockdown was looking right at us in January, I lost it completely. My college reopened, but I could not go immediately. Then they closed off any more entries because of another pandemic wave. And this is when I thought, "bruh, this is going to be the worst year possible." But right then, as if my fairy godmother was listening to my inner cries, my college started calling more final-year batches. This was my time! So, I packed my stuff and landed myself in Jaipur. And I actually finished my graduation in May, like who would have thought! And now that I look back, this seems like it happened ages ago.

Best In The Middle, And Then Boom! Academic Pressure 

Then comes June and to be honest, this was the happiest month of the year. Why? Dude, I went on a goddamn solo trip. No, like for real, I could never have imagined to pull off something like this. But, thanks to some motivation, I just did it. And it turned out to be better than I expected. It also made me realize that I can actually travel alone far from home without getting mugged. I also realized that I am actually a lot more responsible than I credit myself to be. And, one highlight of the whole trip was that I met someone whom I thought I wouldn't meet anymore (Yes Ayushi, good job on sounding so cryptic).

In July, I hyperventilated so much about what I am going to do next academically that I almost passed out. But, as it turns out, I am now doing my masters peacefully at the very same University I graduated from. And even though some people told me to try other places, I am happy where I am right now. Most importantly, and probably for the first time ever, I actually enjoy studying my courses. I don't think many people like what they do because our education system is more imposing than it ought to be. I just got lucky altogether!

Not-so-much Academic Pressure and Post Graduation

So after the post-graduation started, the academic pressure didn't really feel like a pressure anymore. The more I liked to study my subjects, the more easy everything was. Except for the assignments, of course. I still hate making them. But as for the exams, they were okay. I did well in them overall. Also, these were my first offline exams after the whole pandemic, so they were bearable for me. And, hopefully, I won't fail in my first semester's finals (I really thought I would at one point, lmao).

Which month did I talk about last? Right! So, as for August, the month was pretty smooth. Also, it was the month I earned the most from my freelancing. So, cheers for that! This year I've really done well with my freelancing and also bought a laptop with my own currency. Ka-ching! Very proud of myself *pats*. In September, we had our departmental fest and I wore a saree for the first time in my life. And damn bro, was I looking pretty! October flew by quickly with nothing noticeable. Except for some arguments with *eyes* this particular person. I also went on another very-short solo trip to Jaipur towards the end of October, so kudos to that!

The Fest and The End 

(horrible subheading but we roll)

Then came November and my favorite time of the year in college. Because it was THE FEST. And not some regular celebrity-comes-to-your-college-and-there-is-a-concert-for-just-a-day kind of fest but a THREE-DAY-HOLY-SHIT-THAT-WAS-AMAZINGGG kind of fest. You get to wear these awesome outfits and you get to go to this big fair with rides and everything. And you also get to eat some perfect mouthwatering dishes all the while. And the weather is neither too hot nor too cold. Everything is just so perfect that you actually become sad when it's all over. 

But life goes on and I finally ended up in the last month of the year, December. And after a few unwanted goodbyes and some thank you letters, I can proudly tell myself, "Ayushi, you did good this year, and better than the previous."
(To be continued....)

Okay, I think this blog is one of the longest so far so i'mma just wrap it up (although I have a few more things so I'll write one more). But first of all, if you are reading this paragraph, then thank you for reading the whole blog. 

And lastly, I wish every one of you a very happy new year and I really hope that you had a good year too (let me know in the comments, please). Or, even if it wasn't, I hope the upcoming one greets and treats you better. With that, I'll see you guys later. Or as an inside joke, I'll see you all next year!


  1. You literally poured every moment of this whole year.... Very well done ☺️

  2. Damn....really u did a good job girl.....😘

  3. It's so good...girl keep it up...

  4. The fest part made me feel nostalgic haha :')
    Proud of you for pushing through hard times, the solo trip and buying something with your earnings bro! Keep going
    And happy new year <3

  5. I loved reading this and felt like you were sitting next to me and describing. You're cute. Stay cute. Love you. Happy new year 💓

    1. Thank you so much di! I'm so glad you read and liked it ❤️

  6. I really want to go on a solo trip too. Damn you for inspiring me 🥹

    1. Please do! You'll find it to be one of the greatest experiences ❤️

  7. Ohh this was so heartwarming to read, love it!

  8. So glad to read that you had a great year in the end! Here's to the next!

    1. Thank you so much! Hope you have a wonderful year ahead too ❤️

  9. It's written beautifully ❤️❤️😻🌼

  10. I am glad you had a great year....solo trip, buying a laptop with your own money, achieved a lot this year and m happy for you....I hope the next year treats you even better

    1. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have an amazing year yourself ❤️

  11. Very relatable 🍁💗 Beautifully Written 🌸

  12. Written with every teeni tiny detail gives us a crystal clear view of your emotions which we obviously we all share. Lots of love aayuuu❤❤🫂

  13. ohh wow 🤩 amazingly written!!!

  14. Goooooood ..keep it upppp....u go girlllll!! .. :) wish you have best year ahead 🤌🏻

  15. Wowww aayuu 🤌🤌🤩

  16. You went on a solo tripppp🤩🤩🤩🤩

  17. “You make it seem so effortless😍, but I know you must have worked hard on this💜.”

    1. Thank you so much! It was a bumpy ride but I did it 🥺

  18. Ayo kudos!!! AYUSHI
    Seems like you really had a good year
    Happy for you
    Hope your upcoming year will be more good
    And also i loved the way you structured your blog
    To be very honest I loved reading it
    I would like to read more in future from you.

    1. Thanks a lot for reading it! I'll definitely keep writing more as long as I have readers like you 🥺 and I wish you a very happy new year! May you have an amazing one ❤️

  19. Sorry but I couldn't find any lame sub headings you mentioned in the blog

  20. So damn proud of you! And the way you encapsulated everything in this blog tells a lot about your memory/journaling methods and I would like to know more because goddamn???

    1. Thank youuu, I guess one of us can remember things for both 👍

  21. This blog felt really really good to read especially on the first day of the year. I feel so weirdly hopeful and happy rn. I love you so much and again, I'm very proud of you. Thanks for writing me a letter last year, I really wish I can do something similarly cute but idk I just don't remember that much towards the end🥺 anyway, glad 2022 was your year and good luck for 2023 because it's gonna be even better😎 happy 2023 queen!

  22. So proud of you for going on that trip!! I'm so happy for you ayu❤️

  23. Brilliant presentation, very impressive



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