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The Theseus' Paradox

Hello, guess who got the time to write? That would be me, thanks. Anyway so here's something I thought about the other day while I was in the bathroom waiting for the bucket to fill. Don't you think the best ideas come up when we are in the bathroom? Did Edison think of the lightbulb while he was pooping?

MOVING ON, this might as well be a continuation of my previous blog, Changes. A few months back they released WandaVision and this theory was talked about in that show. 

The ship of Theseus or Theseus' paradox:

A thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object. 
So, imagine a ship. Along the course of time, its components rot and the wood withers. But as these components lose their originality, you replace them with an exact replica of that component. Hence one by one, the old gets replaced by the new. At the end, it's the same ship as it was in the beginning. But is it the same ship as it was in the beginning?

If there's one thing that hasn't changed all along and yet has changed so much, it's us. Not a single cell in our body is the same as it was when we were born. Every cell got replaced by a new one and helped us grow into what we are today. And yet, we are the same person who came out from our mothers' womb. We are the perfect examples of the Theseus' Paradox. Can you imagine yourself being the same person as you were on your mother's lap? It seems a bit difficult to me. Yet, you ARE the same person. 

So, even though you think that nothing is constant in your life, always remember: you are the constant of your life. The one thing that has been standing by your side at every point of your life, is you. When I look back, I don't see anything or anyone who has been a constant in my life except me. I have myself and that's the most empowering thing ever! The only validation I need is my own and the only person I need to please is myself. How can I make others happy if I'm not happy in the first place? How can I be kind to others if I'm not kinder to myself? 
With that in mind, let's be a little kinder to ourselves and love ourselves a little more today. Let's promise ourselves that we will appreciate ourselves because we are trying our best in life and that's all that matters. Some of us know this already, whereas others need to hear it often. I hope this is your reminder today that you are awesome!

Here's an edit I made a while ago and saved it as my lock screen. You can use it too if you like.

What do you think about the Ship of Theseus? Do you think it's a new ship or the same one?Comment down below about your thoughts!

Also, for the next blog, I was thinking about a screen rant on the new season of 'Sex Education'. Have you guys watched it? Lemme know about that in the comments too!


  1. Oh my god bro😭 Thank youuuuuu for writing this omg

    1. Yayy thank youuuu for reading it broskiπŸ₯Ί

  2. Okay! Wow. Maybe I needed this. ❤

  3. This paradox becomes better obscure when you think about making another ship by repairing and re-using the worn out parts and now you have two ships .... Which ones the original one?

    1. Indeed this is the second part of the paradox and quite interesting.

  4. Remarkable, this is empowering stuff!

  5. I love the way you interpreted one or the most famous paradoxes in the world through human life....our psyche is probably the only constant consonant in the equation called life and we need to acknowledge that.... Great writing


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